
Showing posts from February, 2020

Update: Enterpreneuship Development Centers for CBN loan application

ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CENTERS As a complement to its micro-finance policy and also to ensure the sustained supply of skilled entrepreneurs to take the opportunities available to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the Central Bank of Nigeria [CBN] in 2006 initiated plans to support the efforts of the Small and Medium Enterprises Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), National Directorate of Employment (NDE), National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP), Industrial Training Fund (ITF) etc by establishing or strengthening one Entrepreneurship Development Centre [EDC] in each of the six geo-political zones in Nigeria. The aim of establishment of the EDCs are: To develop entrepreneurship spirit amongst Nigerians and provide insight into the tools, techniques and framework for managing all functional areas of business enterprise, including production, marketing, personnel and finance. To develop skills of would-be-entrepreneurs to successfully start, expand, diver...

Just in: Why we should permanent Npower beneficiaries

The National Social Investment Programmes (NSIPs) created by the Federal Government in 2016 for poverty alleviation and job creation especially the Npower which has empowered over 500,000 youths in various arms of the programme. The programmes under Npower include Npower Teach, Npower Health, Npower Agro, Npower Build, Npower Tech and Npower Creative all of which give the beneficiaries monthly stipends for their upkeep. This has by far helped many depressed youths to bring back hope alive when it was launched. However, their confidence in the programme is fading gradually since beneficiaries continue to experience delay in the payment of their stipends and turning their hopes into despair. The programme which was clearly stated to last 2 years still has its pioneer beneficiaries in their 39th month of the programme. Although, the reason for the extension of service according to N-power officials, is to be able to finalize the exit plan for the volunteers so that they will not retu...

How to prevent Coronavirus (COVID – 19) attack

Coronaviruses  are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).  The common symptoms exhibited by infected persons include: Fever, Cough Shortness of breath and Difficulties in breathing. In severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and death.  The best way to prevent been infected by this virus is to avoid exposure to it since there is currently no vaccine to prevent it. However, Powermedium has come to remind you the following measures to help prevent the spread of the disease:   Avoid close contact with people with respiratory illnesses such as coughing and sneezing.   Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and dispose appropriately Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Stay home when sick Avoid hand contact with you...

Opportunity comes but once - Check out this One-time Life Opportunity!

Opportunity  is a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do something great or to achieve desired success in life. Opportunity usually comes but once and if managed judiciously whenever it comes, it becomes a lifetime opportunity of achieving greatness in life. Some people are blessed with windows of opportunities while some are restricted to a one-time opportunity. Before I go further on this, I remember my Ghanaian teacher, Mr. Amuzu in mid 1990s who taught me this song; "Take your time and work very hard, when the days are very young. x2 Once an opportunity is lost, it can never be regained. Do not waste your golden chance, When the days are very young"  Believe that nothing is impossible to achieve. Be an optimist! "An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchill Opportunity can come in diverse ways and at any time. It may come when you're at school or when you're home.  It may come when y...

Exposed: How fraudsters hack into your account and simple preventive measures!!

Hackers find all possible means to make money via the internet and for this reason manipulate their way into innocent peoples' social media accounts. It is believed that one of the top social media on which people interact today is undoubtedly known as WhatsApp. Hackers now manipulate their way into people's WhatsApp and thereby making all activities on such account paralysed to the owner. The most unpleasant thing about it is that the phone number that you have been well known with will now get to be used to defraud people on your WhatsApp contact list and groups. How does this happen? This happens as a result of one's carelessly joining WhatsApp groups which are unknown to be created for fraudulent activities. After been lured to join the group, one of the administrators will put a phone call to you in order to welcome you and the begin to swap your WhatsApp account number to his own number in the process. This automatically transfers your account to his ph...

Top 3 ways to make money easily in Nigeria. Number two will amaze you!!

Money - "the root of all evils"  as being commonly said is a medium of exchange for goods or services within an economy. Money is made to serve the purpose of payment for goods and services, and repayment of debts, such as taxes in a particular country or socio-economic context. Human beings have equal right to have money and to use it as they so wish. Some people find making money easy while it is a very difficult task for others. For this reason, the availability of money is not at equal rate for everyone. However, people engage themselves in various kinds of works in order to make ends meet. For the purpose of this article. I will mention only three of such engagements from which people generate money. They are highlighted as follow: Information technology A term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and utilize information in its various forms including business data, conversations, still images, motion pictures and multimedi...

Breaking News: Quickly apply for your #10 million interest free loan from National Micro-finance Bank

Do you intend to go into agriculture or any other business but have no capital? Then you are at the right place at the right time. It is no longer news that the Central Bank of Nigeria just licenced Nirsal National Micro-finance Bank and are giving collateral free business loan to the tune of 10 million naira at only 9% interest. The 3 simple steps required to be eligible for the loan are highlighted below: Step 1 Get Trained Attend a compulsory training with a Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)  certified Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC) . Step 2 Apply For Loan The Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) guides and assists you in getting all necessary documents required to secure the loan. Step 3 Receive Funds Loans are paid into the account of beneficiaries. Unqualified candidates are given feedback. To begin your loan application process, visit Your comments, likes, and shares are sources of motivations. Thanks for r...