10 Natural Foods that Boost Male Fertility and Improve Sperm Count

Fertility refers to people's ability to reproduce by natural means.
Male infertility is when a man has a poor chance of getting a woman pregnant. It usually depends on the quality of his sperm cells. It affects many men in the world.
However, several reasons are attached to a male's infertility and this may depend on genetics, general health, fitness, diseases and dietary contaminants.
Additionally, a healthy lifestyle and diet are important. Some foods and nutrients are associated with greater fertility benefits than others. Below is a list of foods which have a wide range of health benefits, including the ability to increase the sperm counts:
D-Aspartic Acid Supplements: One study in healthy men aged 27–37 examined the effects of taking D-aspartic acid supplements for 12 days ( 6 ). It found that 20 out of the 23 men taking D-aspartic acid had higher testosterone levels at the end of the study, with an average increase of 42%.
Walnuts: Walnuts provide healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals — and that's just the beginning of how they may support your health.
Citrus fruits: Take various citrus fruits as much as you can get. Citrus includes oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes.
Whole wheat and grains: A whole grain, also called a wholegrain, is a grain of any cereal and pseudocereal that contains the endosperm, germ, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm. As part of a general healthy diet, consumption of whole grains is associated with lower risk of several diseases.
Most fish, especially wild salmon, cod, and haddock. They are nutritious and flavorful fish loaded with lean protein, vitamins, and minerals. Although lower in omega-3s than fatty fish.
Dark chocolate:  Dark chocolate is a rich, bitter chocolate that is typically made of cocoa solids, sugar and cocoa butter (and doesn't contain any milk). Dark chocolate is rich in minerals, such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. The cocoa in dark chocolate also contains antioxidants called flavonoids. Dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants and minerals, and it generally contains less sugar than milk chocolate. Some research suggests that dark chocolate may help lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation and insulin resistance, and improve brain function. People who are interested in adding dark chocolate to their diet should keep in mind that it is high in fat and calories, so moderation is key.
Vitamin D enhanced milk and milk products: You get vitamin D from sun exposure and your diet. However, many people don’t get the recommended amount from their diet. Eating fortified foods like vitamin D milk can help close the gap. Vitamin D is needed for proper cell growth, nerve and muscle function, and a healthy immune system.
Garlic: When taken orally (by mouth) or ground with other food has been used in alternative medicine as a possibly effective aid in treating many health problems including infertility, high blood pressure, coronary artery etc.
Bananas: Other than being rich in vitamin B6, bananas are a good source of vitamin C, dietary fibre and manganese.

Note: While maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ensure you do exercise regularly and minimize stress because they also have a lot to do with your fertility status. Infertility affects many men around the world.
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