EASTER: Why I Believe in Jesus’ Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is the Christian belief that God raised Jesus after his crucifixion as first of the dead, starting his exalted life as Christ and Lord. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday after his Redemption of mankind on the Cross.
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion.
Jesus and His Miracles
The miracles performed by Jesus are just too much to believe. He did some while on earth and didn’t stop still when He got to Heaven. This Jesus is just too much. Let’s take a look at some miracles He was known for.
Miracles of Jesus unique to John
At a wedding in Cana water is turned into wine (2:1 - 11)
A royal official's son is healed (4:46 - 54)
During the Fall festival season in Jerusalem, a man is healed of a 38-year infirmity (5:1 - 9)
A man born blind is made whole (9:1 - 7)
In Bethany, Lazarus is resurrected after being dead for three days (11:38 - 44)
Peter miraculously catches 153 fish in his net (21:1 - 14)

Miracles of Jesus unique to Matthew's gospel
Two blind men are healed (9:27 - 31)
On the sea to Capernaum Peter miraculously walks on water (but soon sinks and is saved by Jesus - 14:28 - 31)
Coin appears in the mouth of a fish to pay for Jesus' and Peter's temple tax (17:24 - 27)

Miracles of Jesus unique to Mark's gospel
A deaf man is healed near the sea of Galilee (7:31 - 37)
A Bethsaida blind man is healed (8:22 - 26)

Miracles of Jesus unique to Luke's gospel
Jesus escapes a synagogue crowd that wants to throw him off a cliff! (4:28 - 30)
At the Lake of Gennesaret Peter makes a miraculous catch of fish (5:4 - 11)
The only son of a Nain widow is resurrected from the dead (7:11 - 18)
Woman is freed of a demon who caused her to be crippled for 18 years (13:11 - 17)
A man with dropsy is healed at the house of a Pharisee (14:1 - 6)
Ten leprous men are cleansed after Jesus tells them to visit some priests (17:11 - 19)
Christ heals a blind man as he travels to Jericho (18:35 - 43)
The right ear of the High Priest's servant is healed after Peter impulsively cuts it off (22:50 – 51)
Miracles of Jesus in two Gospels
On the Sabbath, a demon is cast out of a man attending a Capernaum synagogue (Mark 1:23 - 26, Luke 4:33 - 35)
A demon is cast out of a man who is also blind and cannot speak (Matthew 12:22, Mark 3:10 - 11)
The servant of a Roman Centurion is healed (Matthew 8:5 - 13, Luke 7:2 - 10)
A demon is cast out of a Canaanite woman's daughter (Matthew 15:22 - 28, Mark 7:24 - 30)
Near the sea of Galilee four thousand people are fed (Matthew 15:32 - 38, Mark 8:1 - 9)
As Christ is leaving Jericho he causes blind men to regain their sight (Matthew 20:29 - 31, Mark 10:46 - 48)
Christ curses a Fig tree as he travels to Jerusalem (Matthew 21:19 - 20, Mark 11:12 - 14)

Miracles in three Gospels
Peter's mother-in-law is healed after the Sabbath ends (Matthew 8:14 - 15, Mark 1:29 - 31, Luke 4:38 - 39)
Violent storm is stilled (Matthew 8:23 - 27, Mark 4:35 - 41, Luke 8:22 - 25)
A leper is cleansed (Matthew 8:2 - 4, Mark 1:40 - 45, Luke 5:12 - 15)
A legion of demons, cast out of two men, are allowed to possess nearby pigs (Matthew 8:28, Mark 5:1, Luke 8:26)
Woman who has hemorrhaged blood for twelve years is healed (Matthew 9:20 - 22, Mark 5:25 - 29, Luke 8:43 - 46)
Jairus, a synagogue ruler, has his daughter resurrected from the dead (Matthew 9:23 - 26, Mark 5:35 - 38, Luke 8:49 - 52)
A paralytic man is healed on the Sabbath (Matthew 9:2 - 8, Mark 2:3 - 12, Luke 5:17 - 25)
On the Sabbath, a man has his withered hand healed (Matthew 12:9 - 13, Mark 3:1 - 5, Luke 6:6 - 10)
A demon causing deafness and convulsions is cast out of a boy (Matthew 17:14 - 18, Mark 9:14 - 18, Luke 9:37 - 42)
During the night on the sea to Capernaum Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:24 - 27, Mark 6:47 - 50, John 6:18 - 21)

ONLY miracle in four Gospels
After John the Baptist is martyred by Herod, 5,000 people are miraculously fed from just five loaves of bread and two fishes (Matthew 14:13 - 21, Mark 6:30 - 42, Luke 9:10 - 17, John 6:1 - 13). See here for more miracles
These miracles are just too many to believe. Do you ever believe in them? Let’s discuss about your opinion about these miracles.


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