Agronomic Practices for Soybean Production Required in Support of Proper Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
By Niyi Adegbaju
Our last topic was centered on sesame production. Today, we shall talk about agronomic practices for soybean (Glycine max) production in Nigeria required in support of proper monitoring & evaluation (M&E).
Land Preparation
harrow and ridge manually with a hoe or animal drawn implement or tractor. It
can also be planted on flat seedbeds.
Selection: Well drained deep soil of pH 4.5 to 8.5
Seed Selection: Select seed
based on maturity, yield potential, lodging, drought tolerance, and resistance
to pests and diseases.
Table 1: Recommended varieties
for Guinea savanna ecological zones in Nigeria.
Striga control
TGX 1448-2E
Southern and northern
Guinea savannas
Medium maturing, high yield,
low shattering, high oil content, excellent grain color
TGX 1835-10E
Guinea savanna
Early maturing, rust resistant,
pustule resistant
Not known
TGX 1485-1D
Guinea savanna
Early maturing, pustule
resistant, rust susceptible
Not known
4Planting Dates: Depends on the
ecological zone. Early June – Early July at Southern Guinea Savanna; Mid June –
Early July at Northern Guinea savanna–Sudan savanna
5Seed Requirement:
50–70 kg (20–28 standard mudus) are required to obtain a
of 444,444 plants/ha. Use seeds that are not more than 12 months old to ensure
proper germination rate.
Seed Dressing
seeds with fungicides, such as Captan, Apron Plus, or Thiram, at the rate of 1
sachet/8 kg of seeds before planting.
7Plant Spacing and Sowing
soybean by hand, planter, or by drilling. Plant 3 to 4 seeds/hole at a spacing
of 75 cm by 10 cm between stands. Alternatively, drill seeds at 50–75 cm
between rows and 5 cm within rows.
Fertilizer recommendation is
based on soil test. Apply phosphorus at the rate of 30 kg p/ha in the form of
single super phosphate fertilizer (SUPA) (3 × 50 kg bags) in addition to 2½ ×
50 kg bags of compound fertilizer NPK 15:15:15.
Manual weed control: first weeding at
2 WAP and the second at 5–6 WAP
Chemical weed control: If herbicide is
applied at planting, one weeding may be required at 5–6 weeks after planting. Always
consult product labels and follow directions regarding application rates,
timing. The following herbicides are recommended based on type of weed
2:Recommended herbicides for soybean production
rate/ha (L)
of application
Paraquat + Pendimethalin
3 L of Paraquat plus 3 L of Pendimethalin
(250mL of each/20-L sprayer)
Applied within 2
days of planting
Where grasses,
e.g., Rottboellia
are common
Paraquat +
Dual Gold
3 L of Paraquat plus 2 L of
Dual Gold(= 250 mL of Paraquat plus 200mL of Dual Gold in 15-L sprayer (=
1½milk tins of Paraquat plus 3/4milk tins of Dual Gold
Applied within 2
days of planting
Controls most grasses
and broadleaf weeds.
Where sowing is done after 1
week of land preparation,
application must be
within 12 h after
Round-up or other
Glyphosate products
4 L (= 350 mL/15-L sprayer)
(before land
Used under no-tillage
system, applied at
least 2 weeks before
sowing also to control
perennial weeds
Fusilade forte
1–1½ L (150 mL
(= 1 milk tin)/15-L
Apply 21–28 days
after sowing
For grass weed
1Water requirement & Irrigation
Soybeans may require 1 to 2
inches of water every 3 to 7 days during the peak use periods. This depends on
the type of soil. Coarse-textured soils (sands) have a much lower water-holding
capacity than the finer-textured soils, so soybeans on sandy soils require much
more frequent irrigation.
1Insects and Control
Leaf beetles, Stem borers, Grasshoppers, Leafhoppers. It is more susceptible to
whitefly attack at vegetative stage. From flowering onwards it becomes more
attractive to, pod-sucking
bugs that can seriously reduce seed quality - single spray of Cypermethrin + Dimethoate 10 EC at the
rate of 100 mL in 15 L of water.
1Diseases and control
Root and stem rot, Brown spot,
pod and stem blight, Frogeye
leaf spot
To control these diseases: i. Plant
resistant varieties. This is the best option to control disease. ii. Plant in a
good seedbed. iii. Plant seeds treated with fungicides as mentioned earlier
under ‘seed dressing’.
crops with maize, sorghum or wheat to prevent the increase in inoculums level
in a field.
by cutting the mature plant at ground level when about 85% of the pods have
turned brown for a non-shattering variety but 80% for shattering varieties.
Store at a
moisture content of 10% or less. Dry to 13% moisture for storage of 6–12 months
and to
10–11% for longer
storage. (A soybean seed is sufficiently dry when it cannot be dented with the
teeth or fingernails.)
Please find the summary in the table below:
Key: -MBP= Month before planting, MAP=Month after planting, WBP= Week before planting, WAP=Week after planting, DOP=Days of planting, HAP=Hours after planting, DAS=Days after sowing, W0= @ Planting
Description of Activity
Land selection
Select a land
that has well-drained sandy-loamy soil for soybean farming. An ideal soil pH
of 4.5 to 8.5
Seed selection
and input procurement
Select quality
seed variety. This is based on maturity, yield potential, lodging, drought
tolerance, and resistance to pests and diseases. Seeds and other inputs
(fertilizer and herbicide) should be procured from reputable agro-dealers.
Some recommended soybean varieties are TGX 1448-2E, TGX 1835-10E, TGX
Clearing and
Clear the land using mechanically or manually (hoe) without burning.
Tillage: Till the
soil by ploughing and harrowing. Thee helps to break, mix, soften, and make
the soil medium fine and smooth.
Planting date: Depending on
the ecological zone, plant soybean early June – early July at Southern Guinea
Savanna; mid-June – early July at Northern Guinea savanna–Sudan savanna
Seed rate and
spacing distance
Sow seeds at
spacing of 50 - 75cm between rows and 5-10cm within stand at 2 -3 seeds per
stand to ensure proper germination rate.
Sow seeds that
are not more than 12 months old.
About 50–70 kg
(20–28 standard mudus) are required to obtain a population of 444,444
Seed dressing:
seeds with fungicides, such as Captan, Apron Plus, or Thiram, at the rate of
1 sachet/8 kg of seeds before planting.
Weed management
& 5-6WAP
Manual weed control at 2WAP and 5-6WAP
Note: One
Chemical weeding may be required at 5-6WAP if herbicide is applied at
planting. The following herbicides are recommended based on type of weed
+ Pendimethalin(50EC) 3 L of Paraquat + 3 L of Pendimethalin
(250mL of
each/20-Lsprayer) for grasses eg Rottboellia – apply within 2DOP; Paraquat + Dual Gold 3 L of Paraquat
+ 2 L of Dual Gold(= 250 mL of Paraquat + 200mL of Dual Gold in 15-L sprayer
(= 1½milk tins of Paraquat plus 3/4milk tins of Dual Gold - for most grasses
and broadleaf weeds within 12HAP; Fusilade
forte(Post emergence) 1–1½ L (150 mL(= 1 milk tin)/15-L sprayer - for
grass weeds – apply 21-28DAS
Depends on
soil fertility test. Phosphorus is often the most deficient nutrient and
should be incorporated during land preparation, Nitrogen and potassium
fertilizers are needed only when there are obvious deficiencies. But the
usual recommendations are:
20 kg/ha N; 20
kg/ha K2O; and 40 kg/ha P2O5
needed: 2½ × 50 kg bags of NPK (15-15-15) plus 3 × 50 kg bags of SSP (SUPA)
Soybeans may
require 1 to 2 inches of water every 3 to 7 days during the peak use periods.
This depends on the type of soil. Coarse-textured soils (sands) have a much
lower water-holding capacity than the finer-textured soils; soybeans on sandy
soils require much more frequent irrigation.
Bean Leaf beetles, Stem borers, Grasshoppers, Leafhoppers. It is more
susceptible to whitefly attack at vegetative stage. From flowering onwards it
becomes more attractive to, pod-sucking bugs that can seriously reduce seed
quality- single spray of Cypermethrin + Dimethoate 10 EC at the rate
of 100 mL in 15 L of water.
Root and stem
rot, Brown spot, pod and stem blight, Frogeye
leafspot, Yellow mosaic
disease caused by whitefly
Control: i. Plant resistant varieties. ii. Plant in
a good seedbed. iii. Plant seeds treated with fungicides as mentioned earlier
at seed dressing
iv. Rotate
crops with maize, sorghum or wheat to prevent the increase in inoculums level
in a field.
matures within 3–4 months after planting. Cut the mature
plant at ground level when about 85% of the pods have turned brown for a
non-shattering variety but 80% for shattering varieties. Stack them loosely
on tarpaulin and allow them to dry in the open for 2 weeks before threshing.
Post-harvest &
Store at a
moisture content of 10% or less. Dry to 13% moisture for storage of 6–12
months and to10–11% for longer storage. (A soybean seed is sufficiently dry
when it cannot be dented with the teeth or fingernails.)
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