Agronomic Practices for Soybean Production Required in Support of Proper Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
By Niyi Adegbaju Our last topic was centered on sesame production. Today, we shall talk about agronomic practices for soybean (Glycine max) production in Nigeria required in support of proper monitoring & evaluation (M&E). Land Preparation Plough, harrow and ridge manually with a hoe or animal drawn implement or tractor. It can also be planted on flat seedbeds. 2. Site Selection: Well drained deep soil of pH 4.5 to 8.5 3. Seed Selection: Select seed based on maturity, yield potential, lodging, drought tolerance, and resistance to pests and diseases. Table 1: Recommended varieties for Guinea savanna ecological zones in Nigeria. Variety Ecology Characteristics Striga control TGX 1448-2E Southern and northern Guinea savannas Medium maturing, high yield, low shattering, high oil content , excellent grain ...
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