
Agronomic Practices for Soybean Production Required in Support of Proper Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)

By Niyi Adegbaju Our last topic was centered on sesame production. Today, we shall talk about agronomic practices for soybean (Glycine max)  production in Nigeria required in support of proper monitoring & evaluation (M&E).        Land Preparation Plough, harrow and ridge manually with a hoe or animal drawn implement or tractor. It can also be planted on flat seedbeds. 2.       Site Selection: Well drained deep soil of pH 4.5 to 8.5 3.       Seed Selection: Select seed based on maturity, yield potential, lodging, drought tolerance, and resistance to pests and diseases. Table 1: Recommended varieties for Guinea savanna ecological zones in Nigeria. Variety Ecology Characteristics Striga control TGX 1448-2E Southern and   northern Guinea savannas Medium maturing, high yield, low shattering, high oil content , excellent grain ...

Agronomic Practices for Sesame Production Required for Proper Monitoring & Evaluation (M &E )

By Niyi Adegbaju Here comes another growing season in which rain-fed producers have been longing for. In this article, we are going to discuss about the types of sesame grown in Nigeria and major agronomic practices involved in its production. There are two types of Sesame (Sesanum indicum) based on usage:       1.             White/raw, food-grade sesame used in the bakery industry, and       2.             Brown/mixed, primarily oil-grade sesame. PRE-SEASON ACTIVITIES: I.                    Site Selection: Sandy loam soil in an upland plain (fairly flat and well drained). II.                 Seed Selection:   i. Choose seeds of the same...